What better way to launch the Westworld Mobile app than to literally recruit people to work at Delos? By treating Delos as a real company, we were able to encourage people to take control of their future and build a better world.
careers site launch
To ensure candidates are cut out for the job, we created an interactive banner to test their resolve. Click here to take our Stress Test.
placement test
To make the job application process more seamless, we created a placement test that places people into the 8 different departments at Delos. Not sure where you fit in at Delos? Click here to take our Placement Test or browse through the experience below.
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One of the many people who shared the experience was Shannon Woodward, an actor on the show. Turns out the test was so accurate that it placed her in the same role that she plays on the show.
employee onboarding
As the app neared it's launch, we let applicants know that they'd been accepted as Delos employees and it was time for their onboarding.
other corporate propaganda (video & ooh)
Elaine Cox // Group Creative Director
Austin O'Connor & Phil Van Buren // Associate Creative Directors
Darnell Watts & Emma Kolb // Art Directors
Dexter Ho // Co-Copywriter